About Me • Emma Lou Photo
Emma Lou Photo

hey there!

I'm Emma

I’m a long time Cincinnati native that is obsessed with all things Cincinnati - catch me at skyline any day of the week or laugh crying at all the Bengals memes to get me through the football season.

I’m a UX designer, photographer, and most importantly a mom to my favorite little boy - Nolan.

Ya know those cliche stories when photographer’s say they’ve loved photography their whole lives? That’s me. I remember family vacations when my parents would give all of us kids disposable film cameras. I’d fly through my pictures - granted lots of them were pictures of my parents butts as I followed them around. Fast forward to high school where I took all of the photography classes that we offered and carried the yearbook DSLR camera around with me everywhere I went.

Before I got pregnant with Nolan, I would offer free sessions here or there to family and friends. It wasn’t until I got pregnant with Nolan in mid 2018 that I decided to give it my all and I am so glad I did!

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